If you’ve just arrived in Korea you’re probably getting used to a lot of things. Getting settled in to your apartment is important, but so is getting settled in with your phone. Which apps are the best Android apps? Which ones are just wasting space on my phone? Below is a list of free Android apps that I found invaluable as I got used to life in Seoul. And many of them I still use on a daily basis. From food to transport to just playing games, I’ve got you covered. And did I mention they’re all free?
1. Kakao Talk

Kakao Talk is quickly becoming a worldwide phenomenon, but Korea is way ahead of the game on this one: a free chat and call app that is used more widely here than texting. To be honest, you can’t even text people in Korea. I wouldn’t even answer a text from my husband if it wasn’t on Kakao. And we all know nobody makes phone calls anymore. Tip: load up on hilarious Asian emojis and impress your new Korean friends with how Korean you can be. I guess it’s not free if you include the countless won I spend buying fresh emojis. But so worth it.
2. Jihachul Subway

If you’ve been in Seoul for five minutes, you’ve probably already been on the subway three times. One of the cleanest and most efficient systems in the whole world, this app is no different. Easy to use Korean or English interface (rare for Korean apps), options for quickest route or fewest transfers (this is a lifesaver), and the best part is the trains are so punctual, you can accurately time your ride to the minute. Suck it, American public transportation!
3. Learn Korean by Bravolol

The perfect app for beginners, Learn Korean is colorful and user-friendly with loads of helpful phrases to get you through when the only Korean you know is…wait, you don’t know any Korean yet. So get this app and avoid looking like one of those foreign assholes who just speaks English extra loud until someone understands. Special bonus: it works offline so even if you’re living on wifi, you’re good.
4. Hangul (Korean Alphabet) by TenguLogi

Ok, your Learn Korean app has done enough for you. It’s time you learn how to read already. Korean may be difficult to speak, but it’s probably the easiest alphabet to read. Actually, it was designed specifically to be easy! Spend a few minutes a day with this app, and you’ll be reading authentic Korean words in a week! Like this one for pizza: 피자. It literally reads, “pee-ja.” See, wasn’t that easy?
5. Stay City Guides

Not just for Seoul, this app has become a staple on my travel list to anywhere. Download city maps and guides while connected to wifi, mark restaurants and attractions you’re interested in checking out, and access them offline while you wander in an unfamiliar place. You can create your own guide or check out their recommendations. The best part is, it works for hundreds of cities around the world! Downside: the subway lines and exits in Seoul aren’t shown on the map as they are in Google Maps or on the amazing Naver. Side note: they did not pay me to write this, I actually just really love this app.
6. Cookie Run (쿠키런) for Kakao

To be honest I don’t even know what I’m doing when I play this game. There are no English instructions. I just know I’m a cookie, I really like candy and shiny things, and I cannot stop playing it. Perfect way to pass the time on those long train rides and make the people next to you think you speak Korean. Bonus: if your students see you have it on your phone, they will literally flip out. And then ask to play it during class.
7. Seoul Bus

Soooo…this app kinda sucks. Unfortunately, it’s the best of all the Seoul bus apps out there. It’s kinda like the Seoul subway app pooped out all its terrible features, and this is what happened. Bonus because at least some of it is in English, though not the names of the stops. It’s great to see when the next bus is coming to the stop that you’re at, and as long as you know the stop numbers, you can get by without knowing any Korean. Unfortunately it’s not useful to figure out what bus you need to take, or when you will arrive. But trust me, if there were a bus app as amazing as the Jihachul subway app, I’d be taking the bus a lot more in Seoul. For more advanced learners, Naver is perfect for finding route guidance, but again you need the power of Hangeul to use it.
8. Korean Menu Guide

This app is nowhere near as good as DineInKorea (available only for iPhone), but it offers an attractive intro to some basic Korean dishes. Bonus because the pictures are pretty. I don’t miss using an iPod touch as my only phone, but I certainly miss having that app in restaurants without English menus. Which is basically all of the good ones. Downside: it doesn’t feature ppyeo haejangguk, the best soup in Korea. Still a great beginner’s guide to some common dishes you’ll find.
Side Bar:
I had really planned on making a top ten list, but unfortunately most of the best apps in Korea haven’t caught up to the whole English is the world language thing. So, if you happen to speak and read Korean, here are two more must-haves for your list:
9. Naver

I know this app is amazing even though I can only sort of use it a little after 18 months here. It has the most accurate maps of Korea and lots of useful info like bus stops and post offices too. It’s basically Korean Google. But if you can’t put your search terms in Korean, it’s not gonna do you too much good.
10. Yogiyo

If you’ve been to a Korean restaurant you know that instead of waiting for a server to come over, you yell a quick “yogiyo!” and there they are ready to bring you whatever you need. The Yogiyo app is pretty much the same concept, except in your underwear: delivery food from anywhere at your door. Search by food type, then restaurant, and then BAM! FOOD! Except for I never could get to the BAM! part without being able to know what the app wanted. Is this asking for my address or what toppings I want on my pizza? I am patiently waiting for this be English-ized for all us idiots who haven’t learned Korean yet. Anyway, I used it once when a Korean friend was over and it was awesome.
So there you have it. If you think I missed any crucial apps or you just think I’m stupid and this list is terrible, leave it in the comments below! Except don’t call me stupid because that is mean.
Good list! Will need something to play (쿠키런) when I return to Korea ^_^
My husband started taking his smart phone into the bathroom. I hear cookie run music and don’t see him for an hour.
I just learned about Yogiyo, still trying to figure it out. I haven’t heard of Korean Menu Guide, but looks like one worth a download. Thanks for sharing for those of us not sucked in by the iphone!
What a great idea! I use an iPhone, but I might look up the equivalent of helpful Hangul apps on my phone.
I love kakao, and am now completely obsessed with emoticons! My family back home does not understand this obsession. Sometimes nothing gets a thought across like an epic emoticon. I will have to try out some of the other apps.
Oh, man. Good ole’ Cookie Run. It was all the rage when i first got to Korea in August, 2013. Students literally could not stop talking about it.
Even though I’m back in the US, I still use Kakao. Just so handy, especially since I don’t have a phone contract and only use wi-fi. I even got some of my American friends to use it.
I agree with you. There are definitely a lot of useful apps that can help us here in Korea. I also use the bus app every time. I also signed up for the Uber app, but it hasn’t been useful so far.
Alphonse recently posted…Christmas Lights In Seoul: Myeongdong’s Lotte Department Store!
This is a fantastic list! Yogiyo is my goto for anonymous junk food eats. The only stressful part is that they sometimes call afterwards with questions about the order or to just confirm the order. You’re right though. A bit of Korean ability goes a long way on that app.
Boo on that guide for not featuring haejangguk, btw. What a crime! Anyway, I loved going through this to see if there was anything I’d forgotten to use. For us non-Seoul people, I love using Daum Maps for Buses because they give you detailed times on stops that don’t have electronic screens. As with Yogiyo though, it does require being able to read Korean. Anyway, just thought I’d share.
Thanks for this!
Duke Stewart recently posted…Damyang Metasequoia Road – Redwood Songs
YESSSSS! This is amazing! I am downloading so many things right now! All I have on my phone right now is kakao and my usual apps (facebook, instagram, twitter, candy crush). Excited for a new game and (what looks like) some seriously helpful apps!
Katie recently posted…10 Things to do in Antigua, Guatemala
I don’t live in Seoul, but definitely use the Jihachul Subway app when I visit…Will have to check out the Stay City Guides, I don’t have that one yet and it sounds like it could be really handy. And I can’t believe that there is an app for food delivery! That is crazy! Calling on the phone doesn’t seem like it would be that much more time consuming, and even with limited language skills, I have found it pretty easy to get the goods….oh, Korea….
Lara //the passage recently posted…When in Andong…
I have most of these apps except…cookie run!! Omg it looks adorable enough to make me want to play even though I don’t really play phone games. Also my life will never be the same without Kakao Story, their emoticons and stickers are just thee cutest!
rafiquaisraelexpress recently posted…Slow Sundays: Macaron Cafe, Gyeongsan
Thank you for the great idea=)
I love this post! I could have done with some of these apps when I arrived in Korea. As it was, I never got a phone, but I’ve heard all about these from my students- especially the infamous ‘Kakao Talk’ which they are all obsessed with!
Kathryn Godfrey recently posted…Animal Themes, Hello Kitty Themes… And Study Themes- Cafes in Korea
Nice, I’m going to check out those Korean learning apps – it’s always cool to have something to study with when you’re hitting up the subway or buses.
Alex recently posted…What To Pack For Teaching In Korea